

Signs, Symptoms and How To Help

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness and unease often accompanied by a physical reaction such as butterflies in the stomach or sweating. Anxiety can be experienced when faced with a specific situation, like giving a speech, or generalized to all situations e.g. panic attacks. Anxiety is often based on unhealthy thinking patterns including catastrophizing and magnifying negatives while minimizing positives.

Signs & Symptoms

Anxiety is a common mental disorder. According to the DSM-IV, nearly one in five adults will experience an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. The most significant symptom of anxiety is high levels of stress, which often interferes with daily life. People who have anxiety may experience palpitations, fatigue and difficulty focusing. They may also have difficulty concentrating and making decisions due to higher levels of stress.

Coping with Anxiety

A balanced diet and exercise can help with anxiety. Eating healthy foods gives us the energy we need to think clearly, and stay active. Exercise releases endorphins, reducing the stress response and easing tension. Talk with a mental health professional when your thoughts are overwhelming you. When we talk out loud it helps organize our thoughts, which makes you feel better.

There are many types of treatment available, and we have resources available to help you find the right fit for your situation. You can also contact the National Suicide Hotline (1 800 273 8255) or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1 800 273 8255).

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