

Signs, Symptoms, and How to Help

Depression is a mental illness that can make you feel very sad, hopeless and guilty. Some people think this feeling is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain, but many experts think that the problem is caused by negative thinking patterns. 

Signs & Symtoms

Depression is an illness that affects how you think, feel and handle daily life. Symptoms include persistent sad, anxious or hopeless feelings, extreme tiredness and changes in appetite or weight. A person with depression may have sleep problems as well as loss of interest in things they once enjoyed. The negative thinking associated with depression can also lead to feelings of worthlessness or guilt and thoughts of suicide. If these symptoms continue for two weeks or longer, it is recommended you seek help from a doctor or mental health professional

Coping Skills

Coping with depression is a delicate process that requires an ability to identify the causes and manage them. Using coping strategies can help you to cope with your depression, by changing your perspective in life and keeping you focused on the positive aspects of life. If you are suffering from depression, coping skills can help you cope with it. At times, it’s hard to know what coping skills are best for you, but a counselor can guide you in finding the right one. They make for great listeners and can help you understand yourself better and accept your feelings.

Depression is a serious illness that can affect both your physical and emotional well-being. Depression can happen at any age and in any life situation. But, it is NOT a sign of weakness. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, please contact a mental health professional. 

There are many types of treatment available, and we have resources available to help you find the right fit for your situation. You can also contact the National Suicide Hotline (1 800 273 8255) or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1 800 273 8255).

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